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Algarvia Weather in September, Portugal


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Algarvia Averages September

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    3 mm
  • What is Chance of Rain?
    This is based on historical weather data, how many days has it rained in the past during this month over a period of years of recorded weather

    Chance of Rain

    45 %
  • What is Chance of Snow Day?
    Based on historical weather data, this percentage is determined by the chance of snow for that month over a preiod of years

    Chance of Snow Day

    0 %
  • What is Chance of Sunny Day?
    By taking the maximum available sunny hours in a day (ie: from sunrise to sunset) and the actual sunhsine hours measured. So if there are 12 hours of daylight time and 6 hours of sunshine, it is 50%

    Chance of Sunny Day

    37 %
  • What is Chance of Windy Day?
    Taking historical wind data for a month at a certain threshold wind speed. Take the number of days the wind was above this threshold, and divide that by the days in the month to determine the chance of a windy day

    Chance of Windy Day

    17 %
  • What is Chance of Fog Day?
    Based on historical weather data, this percentage is determined by the chance of fog for that month over a preiod of years

    Chance of Fog Day

    1 %
  • What is Chance of Cloudy Day?
    This is based on the sunshine hours per day minus the daylight hours, if the sunshine hours are less than half of the daylight hours, it is labeled a cloudy day

    Chance of Cloudy Day

    6 %

September Weather Averages

Sorted by popularity:

September sees a slight drop in temperatures, so the heat won't be as intense as in July and August in Algarve.

However, it will remain warm and sunny throughout the month, with very little wet weather seen, meaning that this is still a very popular time to visit Algarve, especially if you find the heat of the peak months of summer too intense.

September is still a very popular time of the year to visit the area, so you may well still face crowds of tourists if you go to Algarve in September.

The average daily temperature for this month in Algarve is 26°C (79°F) which can drop to 21°C (70°F).

There is an average of 9 hours of sunshine each day in Algarve.

The average temperature of the sea during this month is 21°C (70°F).

The average humidity in Algarve at this time of the year is 66%.

The average amount of rainfall this month is 5 mm.

A popular activity in Algarve is sailing and taking to the seas is sure to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience that helps you to enjoy all the beauty of the Portugese coastline from another perspective.

The nightlife may well be one of the most important apsects of your holiday and in Algarve there will be plenty to keep you entertained. When the sun goes down, the bars and clubs open up their doors to all willing guests and there will be enough going on to keep you dancing until the early hours.