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Maspalomas Weather in April, Spain

Maspalomas Averages April


  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    8 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    6 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    5.5 mm

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Maspalomas Daily Averages April

April 2024 Daily Averages

1 Avg 19º 66º
2 Avg 19º 66º
3 Avg 19º 66º
4 Avg 19º 66º
5 Avg 19º 66º
6 Avg 19º 66º
7 Avg 18º 64º
8 Avg 19º 66º
9 Avg 19º 66º
10 Avg 19º 66º
11 Avg 19º 66º
12 Avg 19º 66º
13 Avg 20º 68º
14 Avg 19º 66º
15 Avg 19º 66º
16 Avg 20º 68º
17 Avg 20º 68º
18 Avg 21º 70º
19 Avg 20º 68º
20 Avg 20º 68º
21 Avg 20º 68º
22 Avg 20º 68º
23 Avg 20º 68º
24 Avg 19º 66º
25 Avg 20º 68º
26 Avg 20º 68º
27 Avg 19º 66º
28 Avg 20º 68º
29 Avg 19º 66º
30 Avg 20º 68º
Avg Historical Daily Average

April Weather Averages

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What's the weather like in Maspalomas in April

By April, spring is truly on the horizon and the temperatures are beginning a rapid ascent as the hottest months of the year are ushered in.

Warm and sunny days are to be expected throughout this month, with any wet weather infrequent and fleeting.

With the sea still pleasantly warm, the beach is still a welcoming option in Maspalomas at this time of the year. Just don't forget to pack your sun cream, because you will be needing it in this climate!


The average daily temperature in Maspalomas is 19°C (66°F), which can reach highs of 21°C (70°F) or drop to lows of 16°C (61°F). The month of April is essentially characterized by constant daily high temperatures, so it really isn't out of the ordinary if you experience temperatures in the early 20s.

Average Sea Temperature

Furthermore, the average temperature of the sea during this month is 19°C that's only 2°C cooler compared to July, where the sea temperature can reach a warm 21°C. Even though it is spring in April it is still the perfect temperature to take part in water sports such as surfing and jet skiing, which can be found on Maspalomas Beach.


Maspalomas sees an average of 8 mm over 3 days of rain during this month. Precipitation is usually very low at this time of year, the average probability that precipitation will be observed during this month is only 11%.

Throughout April, the most common forms of rainfall in Maspalomas are drizzle, moderate rain and light rain. However, if you want to visit the resort when little to no rainfall is predicted, July or August may be your best option, where 0mm of rainfall is predicted.

Cloud Cover

The median cloud cover at this time of year is also very low at a partly cloudy 48%. The Canary Islands actually boast some of the clearest skies in the world and are renowned for star gazing due to the limited amount of light pollution in the area. To make sure things are kept that way, the islands of Tenerife and La Palma have their own Law on the Protection of the Astronomical Quality of the Observatories.


During April in Maspalomas there is an average humidity of 63%. The relative humidity typically ranges from a mildly humid 52% to 84%, rarely dropping below a comfortable 39% or reaching as high as 100%. On average, the air is driest around April 23rd when the humidity is likely to drop below 59% three days out of four, whilst the air is most humid around April 2nd, rising above 76% three days out of four.

Average Sunshine Hours

There is an average of 11 hours of sunshine per day in Maspalomas at this time of the year. Over the course of April the length of day is gradually increasing. From the start to the end of April, the length of day increases by a total of 45 minutes.

Daylight Hours

The shortest day of the month is April 1st with 12:28 hours of daylight, while the longest is April 30th with 13:13 hours of daylight. The Canary Islands are one of the sunniest places on earth and in total the Islands boast more than 3000 hours of sunshine per year.


You also won't have to worry too much about there being high wind speeds. During April the wind speeds tend to vary from just 7 mph to 26 mph, rarely exceeding 32 mph. The highest average wind speed of 17mph, which is considered as a moderate breeze usually occurs around April 25th, when the average daily maximum wind speed is also 26 mph.

You may well be looking for more to do on your holiday than simply lie out on the sand. If this is the case, the wide range of water sports on offer in the area might be right up your street. With the stunning coral reef and exotic marine life, a scuba dive is sure to be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

For activities on dry land, there's more than one golf course in Maspalomas. As well as fantastic facilities, the courses have the advantage of the stunning surrounding scenery. Not to mention, you'll be teeing off in excellent weather!

Maspalomas Hotels in April

The Bungalows Maspalomas Oasis Club is situated just a 10 minutes' walk from the Maspalomas sand dunes. The complex offers spacious apartments with private terraces and a two communal outdoor swimming pools and a tennis court. Each apartment comes with all the facilities you could possibly need such as a kitchenette, safe, satellite TV and private bathroom.

However, if you are looking for a more exclusive option you may want to try the four-star Ifa Faro Hotel. This stunning hotel overlooks the ocean and is just 90m away from the beachfront of Maspalomas. The hotel also offers a number of facilities including an outdoor swimming pool, whirlpool, sun terrace and even a nudist area.

Another option to try is the luxurious five-star Seaside Grand Hotel Residencia in Maspalomas. This exclusive complex is set in lush, tropical gardens and is only 400m away from the Maspalomas sand dunes. The complex features an international and Canarian restaurant, as well as an outdoor terrace with stunning views over the gardens and neighbouring mountains. Other facilities include an outdoor swimming pool, sauna and Turkish bath.

If you're looking for a more affordable option the Canary Garden Club may be just what you are looking for. The club offers an outdoor swimming pool, tennis court and even a buffet restaurant. Guests can enjoy comfortable one-bedroom bungalows which come with living areas, bathrooms, kitchenettes and a patio and garden.

Maspalomas Beach for April

Maspalomas Beach is renowned as Europe's unofficial nudist capital. This golden sand beach is vast, stretching all the way from Maspalomas lighthouse to Playa del Ingles, covering over 6km and is 2km wide, so there's definitely plenty of space for everyone. The nudist part of the beach can be found exactly in the middle, situated just in front of the natural sand dunes. Towards the lighthouse at the southern end of the beach you will find a number of facilities such as restaurants, bars, cafes and sun loungers for hire. Because the sand dunes and beachfront are so vast you can guarantee it will never get overcrowded on a hot, sunny day.

Bars and Restaurants

The Grand Italia Restaurant prides itself on producing some of the most delicious pizzas on the island of Gran Canaria. This authentic eatery also features a Gelateria which showcases a large array of different ice cream flavours as well as other sweet treats!

On the other hand, Restaurant El Senador is situated on the beachfront of Maspalomas. This popular restaurant offers international cuisine and fresh seafood, as well as a Mojito bar and live music in the evenings. If you're a fan of Italian food they also offer homemade pizzas, pastas and a wide selection of fresh salads.

However, if you prefer Spanish and Canarian cuisine you should definitely try Taberna La Cana located down Avenida de Tenerife in Playa del Ingles. This delightful tapas bar serves all the classics in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

Murphy's Temple Bar is a popular Irish themed drinking bar located in Maspalomas. This bar hosts special karaoke events and music quizzes throughout the year and of course shows the most popular sporting events on the widescreen TV at the bar including the Champions League, Bundesliga, La Liga and all the domestic football cups.

Things to do in Maspalomas in April

On a sunny day you should definitely visit Aqualand Maspalomas. This massive water park features an array of different water rapids and slides, which are sure to get your heart pumping. Make sure to try out some of the most popular and daring attractions including the Boomerang, Kamizake, Adrenalina and the Tornado. The park also features lockers, sunbeds, kiosks, restaurants, changing rooms and a souvenir shop.

If you're here with the little ones you may also want to take them to Minigolf Yumbo, located at the entrance of Yumbo Shopping Centre in Playa del Ingles. The course features a number of entertaining and challenging holes seven days a week, from 10am until late. Minigolf Yumbo also offers free Wi-Fi connection that covers the whole of the course.

At the southern end of the Dunes of Maspalomas is a 68m tall lighthouse, known as El Faro de Maspalomas. In the area there are also a number of shops, stalls, bars and restaurant. On a sunny day you could also head to the adjacent beach where there are a number of sunbeds available for hire.

During the Easter break Palmitos Park is a superb place to take the kids. The park offers a whole host of attractions from bird displays to a dolphinarium. Other attractions include a freshwater and saltwater aquarium, a mammal zoo, the House of Orchids, the Cactus Garden and the biggest butterfly venue in the whole of Europe.

Dates of the diary

The Fiesta of the Aborigines is held every year around the Santa Lucia area of Gran Canaria towards the end of April. The fiesta is held in tribute to the bravery to the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the island (Guanches) with many traditional celebrations, concerts and dances.

Furthermore, from April 27th until May 4th, the small town of Santa Maria de Guia celebrates the making of its famous cheese with traditional dancing and music, and of course plenty of cheese-eating. This popular event is known as Fiestas del Queso.

The Canary Islands are predominantly Roman Catholic, therefore most of Gran Canaria celebrates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus during the Easter period. On Holy Friday the Procession of the Matillas is held in Las Palmas. This is a popular event where many women dress up in the traditional Canary Island Mantillas, while accompanying the figure of the Christ during the procession. Whilst on Easter Sunday, the Procession of the Meeting is held, where the statue representing Jesus after his resurrection is paraded through the streets to finally meet up with the statue of the Virgin Mary.

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