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Maspalomas Weather in September, Spain

Maspalomas Averages September


  • What is Average Temperature?
    The average high temperature and the average low temperature for that month, on a daily basis, divided by 2 equals the average temperature for that month


  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    High Temperature

  • What is Average High Low Temperature?
    The sum of high temperatures/low temperatures divided by the number of days in that month, recorded daily

    Low Temperature

  • What is Average Sea Temperature?
    Average daily sea temperatures and divided by the number of days in the month. Sea Temperatures are taken from buoys, ships and even satellites can calculate sea temperature based on energy that is radiated from the sea's surface

    Sea Temperature

  • What are Average Daily Sunshine Hours?
    Total sunshine hours for the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Sunshine hours are taken with a sunshine recorder, either a Campbell-Stokes recorder or an Eppley Pyreheliometer

    Sunshine Hours

    9 hours
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years

    Rainfall Days

    3 days
  • What is Average Rainfall?
    The amount of mm in rain for that month divided by the number of days, and the number of days that it rains during that month on average, over a given period of years


    6.2 mm

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Maspalomas Daily Averages September

September 2024 Daily Averages

1 Avg 26º 79º
2 Avg 25º 77º
3 Avg 25º 77º
4 Avg 24º 75º
5 Avg 24º 75º
6 Avg 24º 75º
7 Avg 25º 77º
8 Avg 25º 77º
9 Avg 24º 75º
10 Avg 24º 75º
11 Avg 25º 77º
12 Avg 24º 75º
13 Avg 24º 75º
14 Avg 24º 75º
15 Avg 24º 75º
16 Avg 24º 75º
17 Avg 25º 77º
18 Avg 24º 75º
19 Avg 24º 75º
20 Avg 24º 75º
21 Avg 24º 75º
22 Avg 24º 75º
23 Avg 25º 77º
24 Avg 24º 75º
25 Avg 25º 77º
26 Avg 24º 75º
27 Avg 24º 75º
28 Avg 25º 77º
29 Avg 24º 75º
30 Avg 24º 75º
Avg Historical Daily Average

September Weather Averages

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What's the weather like in Maspalomas in September

The hot summer weather continues in September with temperatures maintaining the peaks met in August.

The climate stays overwhelmingly hot and largely dry throughout this month, in keeping with the Mediterranean summer.

There is slightly more rain seen in September though, compared to the completely dry months of June through to August, providing some respite from the drought like heat.

With the wet weather comes an increase in humidity, so the climate can feel sauna like at this time of the year. However, this is still prime tourism period in Maspalomas so you're likely to see some crowds of holiday makers on the beach.


The average daily temperature in Maspalomas is 24°C (75°F), which can reach highs of 26°C (79°F) or drop to lows of 21°C (70°F).

Average Sea Temperature

The average temperature of the sea during this month is the highest of the year at 23°C. Making it warm enough to go swimming or take part in water sports such as surfing, jet skiing and paddle boarding.


Maspalomas sees an average of 9 mm over 1 day of rain during this month that's 9mm more than June, July and August where 0mm of rainfall is predicted. On the other hand January is usually the wettest month of the year where 34mm of rainfall is predicted, spread over just six days.

On average, during September, precipitation is most likely around September 30th at 21% whilst precipitation is least likely around September 1st at 10%. Throughout this month, the most common forms of precipitation are moderate rain, drizzle and light rain.


During September there is an average humidity of 65%. The typical humidity usually ranges from a mildly humid 56% to 86%, rarely dropping below a comfortable 40% or reaching as high as 100%. On average, the air is driest around September 1st, at which time the relative humidity drops below a mildly humid 63% three days out of four. On the other hand the air is most humid around September 29th, rising above 79% three days out of four.

Average Sunshine Hours

There is an average of 10 hours of sunshine per day in Maspalomas at this time of the year. During September, the length of day is gradually decreasing. From the start to the end of the month, the length of day decreases by 48 minutes. Whilst the shortest day of the month is September 30th with 11:54 hours of daylight and the longest day of the month is September 1st with 12:42 hours of daylight.

Cloud Cover

Furthermore, the median cloud cover ranges from a mostly clear 30% to 37%. During September, the trend is for the sky to become slightly cloudier by 7% from the start to the end of the month.


Throughout September, typical wind speeds vary from 8 mph to 28 mph, which is considered as a light to strong breeze. The highest average wind speed of 20 mph occurs around September 1st, at which time the average daily maximum wind speed is 28 mph. At this time of year the wind is most often coming from the north, followed by the northeast.

Golf is a popular sport in Maspalomas and there are plenty of courses to choose from if you want to play a game whilst you are away. One of these offers the unique setting amongst the sand dunes and has been the location for a number of tournaments. A game at this course is bound to be one you don't readily forget.

Maspalomas Hotels in September

Are you planning a golf holiday to Maspalomas? If so, you may be interested in staying at the Bungalows Cordial Sandy Golf Resort in Maspalomas. These set of comfortable bungalows are located right next to the local golf course and are just 2km away from the spectacular Maspalomas Dunes. The resort also offers an outdoor swimming pool, which is heated in the winter, as well as a poolside snack bar.

Apartamentos Oasis Maspalomas is set on the beachfront of Maspalomas. The apartment complex offers fantastic views over the beach and the Atlantic Ocean. You can also find a number of facilities here such as an outdoor swimming pool and sun loungers, as well as tennis courts, which are just a short walk away.

The three-star Vista Serena is located in the heart of Maspalomas, just 1km outside of Playa del Ingles. Surrounded by flourishing gardens, the complex offers two outdoor pools to choose from, as well as sun terraces with loungers. All apartments here come with a fully equipped kitchen, bedroom, living-dining room and bathroom.

Ataitana Faro is another affordable accommodation option to look into. This two-star bungalow complex offers an outdoor swimming pool and tennis court. Ataitana Faro also offers a free Wi-Fi area and free on-site parking for guests.

Maspalomas Beach for September

Without a doubt Maspalomas offers one of the best beaches in Gran Canaria. This large expanse of golden sand spreads out as far as the eye can see. The beach is popular for all types of people from young families to nudist sunbathers. The beach offers solitary and isolated sections, where nudists can relax. There are also a large number of facilities and amenities here including gift shops, restaurants, cafes and bars. If you head along the promenade you will soon enough come across the start of the Maspalomas Natural Dune Reserve which runs parallel from the sea.

Bars and Restaurants

If you're a fan of Asian food you should definitely try Sushi Mex in Maspalomas. This is a Japanese and Mexican fusion restaurant located right on the oceanfront. This unique eatery boasts a double kitchen which serves up a unique cosmopolitan menu of the finest meat, seafood and vegetarian dishes.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a more traditional Canarian style restaurant you should go to Restaurante El Albaricoque for at least one night. This beautiful eatery features an outdoor terrace overlooking the surrounding mountainous landscape of Gran Canaria. This restaurant provides a sufficient selection of typical Canarian and Spanish dishes, including several tapas dishes such as patatas bravas.

If you're looking for a lively night out or want an ice cold glass of beer you should definitely try Paddy's Irish Bar located on the beachfront in Maspalomas. They serve all the popular beers, and of course some good old Guinness. They also show the latest live sporting events on the TV at the bar such as the Premier League.

Another place to try is the Yumbo Shopping Centre located in the nearby resort of Playa del Ingles. This entertainment complex offers a large number of bars and nightclubs to choose from, including the Kiss FM Lounge Bar and Disco Mantrix. Yumbo also hosts a number of late night shows throughout the year including Chez Funny Boy's, Ricky's Cabaret and Gossip.

Things to do in Maspalomas in September

The Maspalomas Golf Course is located close to the seafront and sand dunes of Maspalomas. This is an 18-hole, par 73 course that also includes a putting green, practice course, driving range, professional instructors, a golf shop and even a restaurant and snack bar.

The Saddle Club offers a number of horse riding excursions out to some of Gran Canaria's most beautiful natural spots. The Saddle Club owns a variety of beautiful horses for all abilities and ages, whether you're a beginner of consider yourself an experienced rider.

Another great way to explore the local area is by bike! Isango offers a highly popular mountain biking tour through some of Gran Canaria's most beautiful areas. The tour includes an expert guide, mountain bike rental, helmet, picnic and water bottle. Furthermore, this tour is mainly suited to all ages as there are few ascents and many downhill parts for the whole family to enjoy.

If you're here with the little ones or a lover of animals you should visit Palmitos Park in Maspalomas. This large zoological and botanical park is home to a number of different species from around the world including birds of prey, parrots, reptiles, dolphins, monkeys and more. Palmitos Park also boasts one of the largest collections of orchids in Europe.

Dates for the diary

September is a relatively quiet month in terms of events. The Fiesta del Charco (Festival of the Lagoon) is an annual historic event with sport contests centered around the local lagoon, including fishing and water-based activities. This event usually takes place mid-September.

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